Work Packages

The activities of the NARSIS Project are organized as follow:

WP1: Characterization of potential physical threats due to different external hazards and scenarios 

WP1 Leader: James Daniell (KIT)

WP1 develops the methods and proposes the framework to characterize the external hazards of interests.

WP2: Fragility assessment of main NPPs critical elements 

WP2 Leader: Pierre Gehl (BRGM)

WP2 defines the theoretical methods to consider combined aggressions and to define fragility surface for the vulnerability assessment of NPPs’ components.

WP3: Integration and safety analysis 

WP3 Leader: Phil Vardon (TU Delft

WP3 is mainly dedicated to the development of an approach relying on the Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN) for integrating and processing the different aspects tackled in WP1, 2 & 4. The outcomes will also include improvements of flexible approaches and procedures relying on expert-based information, as well as the identification and prioritization of the most influential sources of uncertainty.

WP4: Applying and comparing various safety assessment approaches on a virtual reactor 

WP4 Leader: Giuseppe Rastiello (CEA)

WP4 sets up experiments and simulations to validate the simplified models useful for PSA on generic NPPs.

WP5: Supporting Tool for Severe Accident Management 

WP5 Leader: Luka Štrubelj (GEN d.o.o.)

WP5 defines the characteristics of referential NPPs. It will then apply the development and the aggregated model from WP3 on real operational situation.

WP6: Dissemination and Communication activities 

WP6 Leader: Behrooz Bazargan-Sabet (BRGM)

WP6 organizes the disseminations of the results of the NARSIS project towards both nuclear and natural hazards communities. It will also consist in the organization of training sessions

WP7: Project Management and Coordination 

WP7 Leader: Evelyne Foerster (CEA)

WP7 ensures the efficient coordination for the different tasks and the communication with the European commission.

WP8: Ethics requirements 

WP8 ensures compliance with the 'ethics requirements' set out in this work package.


Dernière mise à jour le 06.04.2020